LFM Lite

Starter Web Hosting
- 500MB Disk Space
- 15GB Bandwidth
- 4 Addon Domains
- cPanel/Softaculous
- No TEs/Safelilsts
LFM Standard

Intermediate Web hosting
- 1000MB Disk Space
- 30GB Bandwidth
- 9 Addon Domains
- cPanel/Softaculous
- No TEs/Safelilsts
LFM Extreme

Advanced Web hosting
- 1500MB Disk Space
- 50GB Bandwidth
- 24 Addon Domains
- cPanel/Softaculous
- No TEs/Safelilsts
TE Hosting

Traffic Exchange Hosting
- 10GB Disk Space
- 100GB Bandwidth
- 1 GHz CPU
- cPanel/Softaculous
- No Safelists/Mailers

Phenomenal Support

99.9 % Uptime Guaranteed

30 day Money back Guarantee
Welcome to our website
LFMTE-Host.com will bring you Professional, Affordable and Quality Web Hosting.
We provide Shared Hosting, Reseller Hosting, Business Hosting, Virtual Private Servers, Dedicated Servers and many more solutions for individuals, families, organisations and businesses.
Join LFMTE-Host.com today and take your online business to the next level with our 1 stop shop. If you have any questions feel free to email our support.
Dec 23rd Domain Price Increase
Due to another price increase and the start of charging sales tax by the registry for domains, we are having to adjust our prices by the same amount.
This increase will start by February 1 2023
Aug 16th Not Receiving Invoice notifications?
Please update your account email address to a working
email address so you start getting the invoices and other updates.
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